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DNN_Tailwind is a powerful theme development platform that allows you to create robust and responsive DNN website themes, all while writing very little css.

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Make sure you have navigated to your project root within your node command line. From this point you can use several commands. There are a few main dev commands, and then several smaller commands for more granular control.

Main Dev Commands

gulp init

This command initializes all third-party dependencies utilized within DNN_Tailwind. More specifically, it executes the following SubTask Commands in series (completes each task before the next):

  • gulp fontsInit
  • gulp slimMenuInit

gulp build

This command cleans your ./dist/ folder, then error checks, concatenates and minifies all your JS and SCSS into the ./dist/ folder, as well as copies your containers to the correct folder. More specifically, it executes the following commands in series (completes each task before the next):

  • gulp cleandist
  • gulp init
  • gulp tailwind
  • gulp styles
  • gulp scripts
  • gulp images
  • gulp containers
  • gulp manifest

gulp build_p

This command does exactly what the above gulp build command does, but also purges your style.css file of unused tailwind utility classes.

  • gulp cleandist
  • gulp init
  • gulp tailwind
  • gulp purge
  • gulp styles
  • gulp scripts
  • gulp images
  • gulp containers
  • gulp manifest

* If you have used gulp build_p to purge your css, and you want to restore the purged css classes, just rerun gulp build.

gulp watch

This sets your node instance to watch all changes of images, JS and CSS in the ./src/ folder, as well as containers in the ./containers/ folder. Upon changes it will automatically run the gulp build command.

Note: This command will take over your node instance (in Command Prompt, PowerShell, Git Bash, VS Code Terminal, etc.). Therefore, you may want to start a new instance if you need to run other commands at the same time.

gulp package

This command builds and packages your custom theme into a DNN theme installation package (ZIP file). It will place the ZIP file in the ./build/ folder using the following naming convention: [project]_[version]_install.zip

gulp package_p

This command does the exact same thing as the gulp package command, but also purges your style.css file of unused tailwind classes before minifying it.

SubTask Commands

These commands are mostly used within the four Main Dev Commands, but can be used individually if desired.

gulp manifest

You should recognize this command from setting up your project. This command will update your manifest with the information provided in project-details.json. Anytime you need to update this information, like when changing the version number, you will need to run this command. This command is also executed as a part of the gulp build and gulp package commands.

gulp scripts

Error checks, concatenates, compiles, and minifies all JS in the ./src/js/ folder and distributes to the ./dist/js/ folder.

gulp styles

Error checks, concatenates, and minifies all CSS in the ./src/css/ folder and distributes to the ./dist/css/ folder.

gulp tailwind

Creates/Updates the style.css file base on your tailwind.config.js, tailwind.css, and custom-*.css files.

gulp images

Compresses images in the ./src/images/ folder and distributes to the ./dist/images/ folder.

gulp containers

Copies containers to the correct folder within your DNN instance (assuming you are developing within a DNN instance). This translates to ../../Containers/[your theme project name]/.

Process Commands

These commands are used within other commands and for other special situations. We recommend use of these only for advanced users.

gulp cleandist

Deletes contents of ./dist/ folder. This is particularly useful when assets (such as images) are no longer required and removed from ./src/ folder. It is the first task triggered during gulp build.

gulp zipdist

ZIPs contents of ./dist/ folder. Used to prepare for theme packaging.

gulp zipcontainers

ZIPs contents of ./containers/ folder. Used to prepare for theme packaging.

gulp zipelse

ZIPs contents of ./menus/ folder, ./partials/ folder, and all ASCX, XML, HTML and HTML files withinthe root folder (./). Used to prepare for theme packaging.

gulp zippackage

ZIPs all subset ZIP files and other pertinent project files into theme package installation file using the following naming convention: [project]_[version]_install.zip

gulp cleantemp

Deletes all temporary ZIP and project files from ./temp/ folder used in package tasks.